Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My New Site

I've finally done it and started my first official website, It is basically somewhere for the locals here to get together and find games both live and online. It isn't finished yet but it really wasn't as hard as I expected. I already new some HTML and CSS but other than that I'm clueless. Now I need to do the hard part and get it seen by some search engines. I'm pretty excited about it more because I play a lot of poker online but hardly ever can find a good home game to go to. I know that there are a lot of good poker players in Morgantown but I don't know many. Hopefully this will help me meet some fellow players and get a couple regular games going. I'm also going to be setting up some private tournaments online.

Since I've been working on the site so much this week I really haven't had much time to play. I made a small deposit and played the Sunday Hundred Grand on PokerStars and played horribly. I don't know what was wrong with me but I was really ashamed of my performance. I didn't do too bad in the few ring games that I played but I think that I'm down a little overall. I've been mixing it up a little and not been playing just ABC poker. I still need to work on my technique a little but I'm pretty confident. I'm loving it because when I show a bluff or play 8-6 suited at the stakes that I play most of the table are seriously thinking that I'm a donk and really pay me off when I hit a big hand.

I would like to write more today because for some reason I feel like rambling but I have to get off of here and do some work. Feel free to check out my site and let me know what you think. Like I said, I'm new to this some and input would probably help me out.

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